There is a myth going around, that the newest consoles don't have many games. For the PS4, that's simply not the case. True, most of the best games on Sony's current-gen platform are independent offerings, and that's a pretty amazing thing. Resogun, Fez, Strider and Don't Starve were all free on PS Plus at some point. P.T. was gorgeous and scary as hell. With E3 and Gamescom have come a fuller list of even more amazing games, from AAA and tiny studios alike. The PlayStation brand has always had this tangibly edgy, underdog feel to it, an aura that has stayed true itself and flourished with Sonys massive success in the PS4. Savvy marketing, indie scene support, developer input, raw power and a manageable price-tag have won the hearts of a new gaming generation, selling over 10 million PS4 systems and launching Sonys flagship to the head of the home console pack. When you bring out the big gun on the front lines, you better have some buckshot to back it up. Since the mandatory Kinect was cut from Xbox One, Microsoft and Sony have been duking it out in the exclusive software trenches. Heck, even the Wii U is showing some ankle in the new Super Smash Bros. and Zelda teases. Pushing that classic Sony flavor into the future seems to be a matter of maximizing both iconic and fresh-faced IP that both excites and comforts those familiar with the PlayStation identity. Answering the call of loyal PlayStationeers, Sony has secured nine excellent reasons to own their console. The following games are must-play exclusives for the PlayStation 4
Real Science Magazine called James' addiction to video games "sexually attractive." He also worked really hard and got really lucky in college and earned some awards for acting, improv and stand-up, but nobody cares about that out here in LA. So... He's starting over fresh, performing when He can. His profile picture features James as Serbian, vampire comic Dorde Mehailo with His anonymous Brother and Uncle at the Nerdmelt Showroom in West Hollywood. In James' spare time, he engages in acting, writing, athletics, hydration, hours of great pondering and generally wishing you'd like him.