9 Upcoming Video Games Destined To Be The Sleeper Hits Of 2016

1. Doom

2016 sleeper hits
ID Software

For a time it looked as though everyone had embraced the latest re-imagining of Doom, however if the reactions to the latest open beta are anything to go by, people are only cautiously optimistic at best. Although many have hailed the beta as a return to form for the franchise - a return to form for the first-person shooter genre in general, let's be honest - it seems that not everyone is sold on the franchise's return.

Which is only going to make it even better when the game takes us all by surprise in May.

While the multiplayer portion gamers have had a chance to play can rightfully be criticised for its problems, it's really the single-player campaign that's set to blow your mind. Made by an entirely separate team from the multiplayer, Doom's single-player is where the real meat of the game is going to be.

No longer are we following around boring NPCs while the title effectively plays itself; Doom is all about creating your own destructive playground full of rocket launchers and blood-soaked demons. Honestly, in an age where multiplayer content has dominated the sales charts, there hasn't been a memorable first-person shooter campaign for years now - and it's down to the grandfather of the genre to come back and show everyone how it's done.

What mid-tier games are you most looking forward to, that could blow everyone away? Let us know in the comments!


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3