9 Upcoming Wii U Games That Will Redeem It In 2016
The NX is just around the corner, but the Wii U still has a few big hitters left.
There's no escaping the reality that the Wii U has been a failure for Nintendo. The video game giant essentially admitted defeat when it announced that its next console, the NX, will launch in 2016, making the Wii U Nintendo's shortest-lived home console of all time. But while Nintendo's ailing flagship has suffered from a confused marketing campaign and poor support from third-party developers, it's arguably the best current-gen(ish) console for first-party support, with a games line-up that sticks to its guns, reverse compatibility that shows loyalty to its core audience, and the bravery to try and stand out from its rivals - which at this point feel like little more than watered-down PCs relying mostly on remasters of last-gen games. The good news for Wii U owners who thought they might be left out in the cold, is that 2016 will be a strong year for the console, despite the cloud of its successor looming overhead. Here are the most promising titles to look forward to this year, proving that in terms of pure gaming quality, the Wii U still has some life left in it.
9. Yooka-Laylee