9 Video Game "Rewards" That Humiliated Players

6. Resistance: Fall Of Man - Skeleton Skin

Resistance Fall of Man

As you might expect from a first person shooter, there were of course many challenges to overcome in Resistance, (and by "challenge", I mean "things to shoot in the face"), plus several difficulties to do it on. The hardest of which was Superhuman, which only the mad would try and tackle. The game also supported a multiplayer and rumours circulated that there was a great skin to be unlocked for this mode if you could beat this ungodly difficulty.

And in truth there was: The skeleton skin. However, as you might be able to see from the lack of an image, this skin was ditched from the game almost immediately.

The reason why this boney boy wasn’t in the game for long was because other players found it difficult to trigger his unlock at all, leaving devs Insomniac to take him, replacing with a generic looking soldier. So now, any time anyone completes the game and gets this dude, just remember the soft pie in the face they’re receiving from the devs.

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