9 Video Game "Rewards" That Humiliated Players

3. Dragon Quest Heroes - Experience Orb

Dragon Quest Heroes 2
Square Enix

As you might expect from a game based around grinding more slimes than The Blob at the Club, experience points are often hard to come by, and will see you replaying the same missions over and over, or farming areas to buff up your chosen party. "Well..." says the game, "how about we give you an experience orb known as the Elevating orb that increases any experience earned by 5%, sound good?"

"Yes" said much of the player base, wiping their sweaty brow from all the button mashing. Here’s the twist though: You’re going to have to beat Atlas, who is about as easy to get over as Mount Everest in flip flops.

It’s easily the hardest fight in the game, which means in order to best the beast you’ll need to be in the high levels anyway, therefore a reward of an item that increases experience gained sounds pretty useless, doesn’t it?

And for those of you thinking that you can just carry it forward to a new game plus, you’re right, but the orb only gives minimal defence, so you’ll be trading a tiny increase in exp for taking huge damage if you get hit. Brilliant.

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