9 Video Game Controversies We Were ALL Wrong About

3. Spider-Man PS4's Original Costume

Spider-Man PS4 Turf Wars Spider Bot

Though Sony's reveal of a new, exclusive Spider-Man game was met with near universal acclaim, there was one little detail which received immediate backlash: the costume.

In order to signify that this was a new version of Spidey separate to both the comics and the movies, Insomniac redesigned the signature costume to include a huge, white spider insignia as well as other white tints on the regular red, black and blue outfit - which unsurprisingly was a difficult sell to longtime fans.

Admittedly, I was one of the many people caught up on this decision, thinking it looked a little tacky and needless, no matter how much the developers reiterated that there was an in-universe reason for the change. How wrong we all were.

When the game launched and people had time to adjust to the alteration, it was eventually embraced. It helped that Insomniac included plenty of other costumes fans could hop into instead (including the classic original), but the new design did undeniably distinguish this version of the wall crawler from the rest.

A few months after launch, the discourse had changed so much that the white suit was even included in Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse, which gaming fans absolutely went crazy over.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3