9 Video Game Demos That Totally Lied To You

5. Killzone 2 (E3 2005)

Killzone 2
Guerrilla Games

At E3 2005, Sony dropped the first trailer for Killzone 2, which was intended to demonstrate the immense power of the upcoming PS3. Unfortunately, Guerrilla Games appeared to pull a fast one on gamers by actually presenting a pre-rendered CGI trailer instead, but savvy fans and journalists called out the bulls**t almost immediately.

The two-minute clip appeared to show off gorgeously slick, cinematic gameplay which shifted seamlessly between cinematics and player-controlled action, and to be honest, it'd still look pretty impressive if released for the first time today.

When Killzone 2 finally landed in 2009, it was certainly a technically impressive game, albeit nowhere near as slick or vibrant as that original gameplay "reveal".

Guerrilla executive producer Angie Smets recently confirmed that the video was originally made for internal use only, but Sony CEO Ken Kutaragi pushed for it to be shown at E3 and flat-out lied that it was in-engine gameplay, apparently much to Guerrilla's frustration.

By the time of E3 2005, Guerrilla had only just received their PS3 dev-kits, so development had barely even begun when this prototype gameplay was released. Yikes.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.