9 Video Game Demos That Totally Lied To You

3. Spore (GDC 2005)

Spore Game

It's been a whole decade since Maxis' hugely-anticipated Spore was released, and the strategy life sim remains one of the most dishearteningly malnourished AAA releases of all time.

Spore's production was arduous enough that there's even a Wikipedia page devoted to its development, and after eight years of work, the final game that hit stores was a far cry from what the developer had promised years prior.

The game's stunning GDC 2005 demo illustrated a ton of features that were cut from the final game, namely four extra stages (including the much-hyped City Stage and Aquatic Stage), a number of powerful editors allowing players to extensively customise their experience, a deeper and more realistic version of the Space Stage, and creatures that both looked less cutesy and behaved more dynamically.

Ultimately a combination of scope creep and pressure to push the game in a more commercial, family-friendly direction resulted in Spore drifting away from its audacious original vision. The final result was a disappointingly scant offering where player interest evaporated after just a few hours.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.