9 Video Game Endings Developers Want You To Forget

3. No Man's Sky

no mans sky ending
Hello Games

Yes, the obvious comment here will be that No Man's Sky's original 2016 state should be forgotten in its entirety, but there was always an enjoyable sci-fi survival game here that scores of players fell in love with anyway.

What even they couldn't get past or had a problem with, was No Man's Sky's ending i.e. the fact that when you go to finally interact with the centre of the galaxy, you instead zoom out, back past everywhere you've been, until the game starts over with a new galaxy to explore.

It was all handled incredibly unceremoniously, almost feeling like the game was struggling to load what was actually supposed to be there; kicking you back to the start because the whole thing was unfinished.

Over time then - and immediately with the 2018 NEXT update - No Man's Sky reframed this "reset" as the culmination of many interactions with other explorers and characters you can meet across the cosmos.

The entire "message" of No Man's Sky is finding satisfaction in exploration itself, and things like the Origins update now let you choose which "type" of galaxy you'd like to boot into next.

That original "hard reset" approach is thankfully long gone.

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