9 Video Game Endings SPOILED By Trailers

6. Dead Space

Shadow of the colossus

The 2008 survival horror classic Dead Space took us to the darkest corners of the universe to do battle with horrific Necromorphs. As is the way with horror, knowing as little as possible is power and going into a game that’s intent on spooking you is much better when you don’t know what to expect.

Most of the footage we saw from the game brought us to the conclusion that Dead Space would take place entirely on space stations and ships but one particular moment in the trailer showed otherwise. Not only was there going to be some amount of game that took place under an actual sky, it was going to be against one hell of a monster.

That planet was Aegis VII and that monster turned out to the final boss of the game.

If you remembered this moment from the trailer, and how could you forget it, it was hard not to wonder when it was going to rear its ugly head. It scratched away at the back of many players' minds as they made their way through the campaign.

The showdown with the Necromorph hive mind is a brilliant crescendo to Dead Space’s violent, creeping horror that was ruined for some when they saw it in the trailer and knew it was coming.


The Red Mage of WhatCulture. Very long hair. She/they.