9 Video Game First Boss Battles That Totally Broke You

6. Iudex Gundyr - Dark Souls 3

dark souls III 3

Personally I flew through Mr. Gundyr like a medieval knife through butter, but the same couldn't be said for the rest of the populace. Rather like Bloodborne's Cleric Beast, once you've gotten used to the brutal difficulty spikes of 'Souls you'll be good for the duration, but Iudex remains the most recent indication that just because Dark Souls 3 was set to be the most popular yet, didn't mean FromSoftware would make it any easier

Instead, Gundyr starts out as more of a lumbering knight, one with a swing that'll catch you from all sides. But once you get his health down and really start making a dint, he transforms into a huge, oily beast... thing, with an even greater grasp and far more devastating attacks.

The thing to remember when tackling any formidable Souls boss is that stature isn't everything. Gundyr might look like a nightmarish apparition from your childhood come to life, but once you figured out his attack patterns he fell all the same - providing you hadn't thrown the controller at the wall by this point.

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