9 Video Game Mascots We Absolutely Hated
5. Segata Sanshiro

In actual fact, everybody loved Segata Sanshiro, but SEGA clearly weren't massively keen on their Saturn-shilling judoka given they ended his series of skits by launching him into the depths of outer space.
An arcane albeit amazing parody of Akira Kurosawa's Sanshiro Sugata from the film of the same name, Segata encouraged, nay, demanded kids play Saturn games in a series of themed commercials. In one, he saved a woman from a towering inferno on the proviso she pick up firefighter sim Burning Rangers. In another, he thrust a copy of Sonic R in the face of a bunch of kids, and then beat them up.
Though he occasionally gave some brats a clip around the ear, Hiroshi Fujioka - the man behind Segata - legitimately enjoyed the games he violently promoted, and felt his character was sending a strong message to the world. Sadly, his positive influence came to an end when, at the dawn of the Dreamcast's launch, Segata saved a group of SEGA employees from an incoming missile, before riding it off into oblivion.
In a wonderful nod to their departed pitchman, Fujioka was asked to voice judo master Iwao Hazuki in SEGA's esteemed Shenmue. The protagonist's father met a similar fate, but it was notably more poignant than Segata's demise.