9 Video Game Secrets Hidden In New Game Plus

Why stop at the end credits??

nier automata
Square Enix

There are plenty of things completionists need to cross off to get their fill from a video game, but sometimes the only way to make sure you’ve done absolutely everything is to boot the whole thing back up again in a new game plus mode.

While there are new game plus modes that just involve you going through the motions all over again, perhaps with a nice little buff or a level bump, we’re here to talk about the new game plus offerings that make things a little more exciting.

Maybe there’s a new enemy to encounter, a great new piece of gear to pick up, or a mechanic that changes the game. Whatever the case, here are a bunch of secrets to be found only by those dedicated enough to let the credits roll on a game and then jump right back in.

You probably caught a similar list of ours hosted by the lovely Jules who went over some New Game Plus modes that changed everything. Well, we’re going to cover a totally different selection of games this time around, but make sure you check that one out too if you missed it.


Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.