9 Video Game Secrets That Were Hiding In Plain Sight

4. Doc Ock's Plan To Break Everyone Out Of Rykers - Spider-Man PS4

Spider Man Ps4 Doc Ock Plans

As the best superhero game since Arkham City, Spidey's PS4 debut spins a fairly familiar tale involving Peter and Doctor Otto Octavius' relationship, mirroring the eventual emergence of Spider-Man fighting Doc Ock.

It's time-tested, loveable stuff, and praise to Insomniac's writers - they really made us believe that the game might subvert the obvious, letting Octavius emerge without losing himself to his inventions. Hell, they even open the game on his arm tech going haywire, just to tip the nod.

All that said though, despite the fact we get a proper "villain turn" cutscene as Ock starts climbing around New York, dispersing poisonous gas in all directions, you can watch his descent into madness one bad decision at a time.

Just look to the walls of his laboratory and you'll find the plans for Ryker's prison - the place Ock stages his mass breakout at the close of the game. Even at the beginning he's making notes on "guard rotations" and where security is most centralised, saying to Peter that his consulting work is "just to pay the bills".

Over time this whiteboard gets evermore cluttered, filled with sporadic thoughts and mad ramblings as Otto turns completely into Doc Ock.

We do find out in the final battle that Otto was lying to Peter for the duration of the game, but it's made all the more obvious if you were seeing him embrace this darkness alongside.

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