9 Video Games That Robbed You Of Their Best Moments

5. Halo 2 - An Endgame Conclusion

Batman Arkham Asylum titan joker

Sequel baiting is a double-edged sword: whilst it can get you excited for a continuation of the film/game/show you've been enjoying, it creates the impatience of having to wait for it.

What does suck, though, is when you have to wait an entire console generation for the next installment. Yet that's what Halo 2 did back in 2004, when it continued the runaway success of the first title.

Getting us all pumped up for a supposedly climactic battle with the Master Chief and the Arbiter's combined forces, and the Chief dropping the timeless, "Finishing this fight" line, we were then given...

...the end credits.

And what made it even more of a salt in the wound was the announcement that it wouldn't be out until the Xbox 360 (not even as a launch title), culminating in a three year wait until we could pick up where we left off.

It's one thing to make fans fork out for another game, as is most sequel bait. It was a whole new insult to make them buy a new console.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.