9 Video Games That Robbed You Of Their Best Moments

2. Batman: Arkham Asylum - The Final Fight

Batman Arkham Asylum titan joker

The Dark Knight versus the Clown Prince of Crime has been a pinnacle of the Batman universe for a large part of it. Largely in part to Batman's "no killing" rule, against the Joker's archaic nature, we oft see the pair in a constant battle across time/multiverses.

So when Arkham Asyum came out (coincidentally celebrating its tenth anniversary this year), fans were expecting a big blowout boss battle between the two.

Whilst it has been strongly debated that it's not in Joker's character to give up so readily and overdose on Titan, fans largely agree that the final fight itself was a bit of a wash.

Instead of a tete-a-Titan to end all of the carnage, instead we were just given several waves of more goons to take out whilst Joker laps up the spotlight. It could have been much, much more.

An enhanced version of the other Titan fights, with Joker not falling for the usual trappings the others do. Anything would have been better than just punching a stunned Joker after three waves of enemies.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.