9 Ways Rockstar Could Make The Ultimate Free Roaming Star Trek Video Game

2. Online Alpha Quadrant

Gta 5 Multiplayer 13765788626619 While GTA V Online has had some teething problems, you can be sure that once it gets going, it will be awesome. Just that fact that you can team up with friends and do what you want in the world of Los Santos, that is what made so many people rush out and upgrade their XBOX live accounts. While Star Trek has got Star Trek Online, a game where you can build a character and ship to do missions with other people, it has received mixed reviews. It is a good idea but it needs a developer that can take that idea to the next level. Imagine creating an officer and ship, and within that build a crew with friends to go on missions with. Different ranks, ships and species; all working with/against each other in the Trek universe. Star Trek is just screaming for something like that to be developed.

Child of the 80's. Brought up on Star Trek, Video Games and Schwarzenegger, my tastes evolved to encompass all things geeky.