9 Ways Video Games Punished Rage-Quitters
7. The Deserter Penalty - Smite
Smite is one of those multiplayer games that is massively affected by players dropping out before the end of the game, so it stands to reason there would be a pretty brutal punishment for rage-quitting players - and there is.
The Deserter Penalty is doled out to any player who leaves a match in progress or a match lobby.
If the game you rage-quit is still in session you’ll be loaded up back in that same game until the match is over. Once it’s ended you’ll be given a time ban and the duration depends on whether the match is ranked and how many times you’ve deserted in a given period. These range from a minimum of a three-minute ban on joining match queues for those who drop out of a casual match and a 20-minute ban for those who abandon a ranked match, up to a one-hour ban or a 24-hour ban if you abandon a casual match four times in one day or a ranked match four times in five days.
It might seem a bit harsh but given that these matches rely on players giving it their all from start to finish, it’s pretty fair.