9 WORST Video Games Of 2020


xiii game

When you've got one of the most recognisable shooters of all time - a cult classic easily identified by literally ANY screenshot of its awesome cel-shaded style - why, on Earth, would you then ditch everything?!

XIII's remake landed to utter confusion from newcomers and fans alike. The gorgeous art-style was made into a generic bland-fest with most characters looking straight out of Fortnite, in-game comic panel cutaways were reduced or removed, and the game's awesomely animated cutscenes were ditched entirely.

Some quality of life improvements like aiming down sights were included, but this remake was also buggy as hell. A.I. would stand in place, character models would warp violently off screen, and even set-piece encounters could totally lock up.

XIII's remake was received so poorly, the original 2003 game outsold it at launch, simply because people were reminded just how much better that version was.

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