AEW: Fight Forever - 15 Best Looking Characters

5. Ruby Soho

AEW Fight Forever Sting

The top five here join Christian in being borderline photorealistic.

If only AEW could've flashed the likes of Ruby Soho up on socials when everybody was taking the p*ss out of that Eddie Kingston model (which has been improved itself, by the way). That would've been a mic drop moment for sure, 'cause Ruby's look is killer.

At times, Soho even looks better than she ever did over in 2K's WWE series. That's a big compliment too, because she looked sweet in 2K19 before 2K20 came along and turned everyone into glitchy nightmare fuel. Those days are over though - this Outcast has been replicated perfectly.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.