Aliens: Colonial Marines: 10 Classic Moments It Needs To Reference

1. Chestburster (Alien) And what does a facehugger attack usually lead to? It would be remiss not to include the most iconic scene in the entirety of the franchise, whereby an impregnated John Hurt suffers from a case of fatal indigestion at the dinner table, as a baby xenomorph bursts through his chest, before slinking away and putting everyone off their dinner. It's one of the most terrifying sequences in the history of cinema, and one that has endured for the 3-plus decades since it first made audiences change their underwear. A chestburster incident in an Alien game is a sure thing, right? It follows that surely one of your Marine comrades will at one point be assailed by a facehugger; all the better if it happens quietly and players will have to be keen-eyed to actually realise what's happened - then when you least expect it, a xeno bursts out of their chest and scuttles off. What about if the player can be chest-bursted, too? Rather than instant death, players have the choice of either killing themselves and restarting from the last checkpoint, or they have the freedom to walk around for a bit before the baby xenomorph bores his way out of their chest cavity. Charming. Which iconic scenes would you love to see replicated in the upcoming game? Let us know in the comments below.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at]