Anthem: 10 MASSIVE Fan Complaints Bioware Can't Ignore

6. No In-Game Mini-Map And Rubber-Banding

anthem game
Electronic Arts

Let's continue on the train of quality-of-life problems with Anthem's design and Bioware's head-scratching ineptitude, shall we?

Echoing the previous entry, it truly feels like Bioware made Anthem in a bubble; completely oblivious to the fact that other games exist. As such, the company shipped a pseudo open-world game in 2019 without a mini-map or waypoint system. How? How did such a simple thing get left out? Was it some form of artsy design choice that nobody understands? It would have been pretty straightforward to include a mini-map, and the ability to turn it on and off.

Then there's the lack of a waypoint system. You know what isn't fun? Having fun flying around the open world but having to stop every minute to open the map and see if you're still heading in the right direction.

And finally, let's talk rubber-banding. So, let's say you're doing a mission with a few buddies or randomers online, and you stop to deal with some enemies and pick a few things up. Meanwhile your squad flies on ahead to the next objective.

Instead of being left to catch up and finish what you're doing, you're going to be rubber-banded right to near your squad. It's like being a dog on a leash and constantly pulled by the neck while you're attempting to play your own way. If you fall behind in a mission, you can kiss your fun goodbye.

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Curtis is from Ireland and lives in Canada now.