Assassin's Creed Origins: 10 Important Questions It Must Answer

10. What's Happening In The Present Day?

Assassin's Creed Syndicate ending

If you ever need to divide a room full of Assassin's Creed fans, ask them whether they liked the present day element.

Going from a mystery-tinged "Just where is this gonna go?" setup to new-age protagonist Desmond Miles learning how to be a modern day assassin, the series' writers promptly shat the bed and killed him off after creative director Patrice Desilets left Ubisoft in 2010.

Since then we've seen Ubi treat the present day stuff like a supremely hot oven dish comprised of lovely food. They want to go near - and they know there are some tasty morsels worth serving up - but thanks to not taking the appropriate precautions, we get drip-fed the tiniest amounts of progression each time, burning fingers in tow.

AC: Black Flag went for a very meta "You're an employee working for Abstergo, playing Assassin's Creed within Assassin's Creed", Unity forwent the newer timeline altogether, Syndicate had a minuscule amount of cutscenes that reminded us of the various Gods, and now we're going into Origins, well, this part of the mythos is nowhere to be seen.

Are Ubisoft phasing this chunk of the franchise's identity out altogether?

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