Assassin's Creed: Origins: 10 Major Rumours & Details You Need To Know

1. Story Importance Is Reduced, But Player Choice Is Heightened

Assassins Creed Origins Concept Art Evan Liu

Assassin's Creed has many commendable elements, but each game's main story isn't typically praiseworthy or even all that memorable. This problem stems largely from the exposition-heavy, slightly dull format. There are exceptions here and there, but it has been a predominant issue that has plagued numerous games in the series. In order to avoid those same plot pitfalls, Ubisoft CCO Serge Hascoet has discussed a new, less scripted approach for the next AC main campaign.

The goal is to promote player freedom and allow players more of an open sandbox experience where no playthrough will be the same. Player choice will be heightened substantially, while the main story will no longer be as important as it used to be.

More and more games are taking this "you make your own story" approach recently, and they don't always result in complete experiences. There are those that pull it off well (Minecraft, LOZ: Breath of the Wild) and those that don't (Destiny), so this approach is actually far more difficult to nail than some may expect.

It will ultimately depend on whether Ubisoft is able to reduce the story's importance without making it completely pointless or incomplete-feeling. If the story can be placed in the background without becoming irrelevant as you do other tasks and side activities, then Ubisoft may be able to do this storytelling approach justice.


What do you hope to see in the latest Assassin's Creed game? Are you excited about Ubisoft's new approach to storytelling? Note your thoughts below!


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