Assassin's Creed: Origins: 10 Major Rumours & Details You Need To Know

6. The World Is Over 3x Bigger Than Black Flag

Assassin's creed black flag

A continuing philosophy with Assassin's Creed's maps have been "make the maps bigger". Ubisoft, not wishing to break tradition, will continue this trend with Origins as the game's open world is expected to be over three times the size of AC4's map.

This decision to constantly increase map sizes isn't always clear, but maybe Ubisoft doesn't wish to waste their settings with a sparse map and a limited amount of activities. They've never struggled with filling their worlds with playable content, so players can certainly expect plenty of side content spread across the map.

The primary difference between Black Flag and Origins' hypothetical map would be in its landscape. Unlike Black Flag where the map was primarily oceans with many different land-based locations, Egypt isn't nearly as water-based. There will undoubtedly be some water-based activities to participate in, but fans can expect the primary focus to be on land-centric mini-games and activities.


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