Assassin’s Creed Vikings Wishlist: 10 Things We Need To See

It's time to bring the franchise back to its roots.

Assassin's Creed kingdom

As the release date of the next Assassin's Creed (currently known as "Kingdom", "Ragnarok" or "Vikings") nears, more speculation and hype grows amongst the fanbase. Naturally, given the series' long and diverse path, there's plenty of wants this fanbase has.

Whether improvements to continually expanding RPG mechanics, or a return to the series' classic roots, there is an undeniable amount of anticipation resting on Vikings' shoulders. Especially so after the recent news of Ubisoft's own financial troubles with the botched release and poor sales of Ghost Recon: Breakpoint.

Plenty of diehard fans have been left bitter after Odyssey's "less Assassin, more fantasy" take on the series, which gave many the desire to see a return of classic features that have since been phased out.

One can only hope that director Ashraf Ismail and his team at Ubisoft can find the perfect balance between old and new features for the next instalment, and incorporate at least some of these heavily sought-after mechanics.

Let's dive into the Animus and see what Assassin's Creed's history may hold for its future!

10. Lose The Exaggerated, Fantasy-Style Combat

Assassin's Creed kingdom

Since Origins and Odyssey, the series' combat has leant more heavily into a fantasy-based, over-exaggerated brand of action. There are swords on fire, Spartan super-kicks and the ability to literally turn invisible. Enemies have become walking damage sponges, taking countless hits from the player before finally being finished.

This emits an entirely different feeling for the player when compared to the prior games. Both newer entries, particularly Odyssey, are most likely to make the player feel like a coked-up super warrior with Godlike abilities. This is in stark contrast to any game prior to Syndicate, which instead made the player feel like a swift, skilled assassin.

The combat was akin to a neatly choreographed, dance-like action sequence. Unity, the last entry to feature such combat, had perfected it. The combat had weight, took time to master and felt plausible. Especially when compared to where the series has gone now.

This isn't to say the more recent style is bad. Odyssey was an improvement over Origins, diversifying itself further and allowing for plenty of unique fun. However, perhaps a blend of these two styles could be achieved to recreate the believable feeling of being a badass assassin.


Troy Harwood hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.