Assassin's Creed 3: 10 Improvements We Want To See

2: Online, Take Stick It Where The Sun Don€™t Shine

Right, I always have said that I don€™t like online gaming because now developers spend more time on that than the single player experience, but now it seems that even Assassin€™s Creed a game that isn€™t in any need of a multiplayer experience in the slightest, has to be part of that crowd. I feel Assassin€™s Creed is like the nerdy fat kid at school who desperately wants to be €˜one of the boys€™ by dreadfully imitating what Activision and Epic Games do. (Not saying they€™re good game companies, but the joke wouldn€™t work with anyone else) The other huge problem is Assassin€™s Creed really truly doesn€™t work in a multiplayer mode despite what anyone else says. Ubisoft need to work on the single player and only the single player, once they have that down to such a fine point they could stab a man from twenty paces, then and only then can they start possibly thinking about an online angle on Assassin€™s Creed. Overall I wonder who at Ubisoft thought that an online mode would be a positive step in the franchise.

Thomas James Hunt is a British Video Game Critic who is a rather unpleasant character in the journalism world. So brace yourself for some nasty behaviour in the form of articles.