Assassin's Creed 3: 10 Reasons You Should Still Be Playing

5. The Characters

As you could have imagined, you will meet lots of historical figures, more so than in previous games and it is almost certain you will know more about them. Luckily, for the most part these guys hardly overshadow the main characters when they make their little cameos. From the protagonist to the antagonist nearly every character in AC3 is interesting, even better almost every character is likeable. The game does a very good job at blurring the line between good and evil. Unlike AC2 where you get this aura that every villain is just pure evil mastermind, there were even videos in the database highlighting what horrible human beings they were, AC3 is more similar to the first in the series. You have targets, you have to kill these guys, but why? Are they and their ideals really that€wrong? Sometimes you feel yourself rooting for the people you have been taught to hate the past three games, and then soon enough they do something to remind you that they are kind of terrible human beings. It€™s hard to determine who you like and who you should pull for in this game because every character has something special and often times you find yourself rooting for all of them, even the villains, which is rare. But come on Ubisoft, Achilles was criminally underused.

I'm Ashtyn, like Kutcher, but spelled with a Y. I'm a sophomore at UNLV with dreams of one day becoming a video games journalist. Feel free to follow me on Twitter @AshtynMarlow