Assassin's Creed 3: 10 Reasons You Should Still Be Playing

3. Homestead Missions


Remember the complaints about Connor being boring and emotionless? Clearly those complainers haven€™t played the homestead missions yet - and while they are definitely not the most fun you will have in the game but they are certainly worth a try. You see your lonely little stretch of land come to life with plenty of welcome, interesting characters who are always available to talk to. You see Connor become a peacemaker, a match-maker, and even a pig herder, and he even smiles once. You get a little bit of insight into what€™s going through his mind, and he even talks about a love-interest, or rather a lack-there-of. The whole point of this is these missions allows us an insight into his personality, and even though it would have been better to have this in the main campaign at least it€™s there somewhere. Even more, the homestead missions showed that there is still a lot of potential for character growth and having another game with Connor as the hero wouldn€™t be a bad thing.

I'm Ashtyn, like Kutcher, but spelled with a Y. I'm a sophomore at UNLV with dreams of one day becoming a video games journalist. Feel free to follow me on Twitter @AshtynMarlow