Assassin's Creed 4: 10 Enticing Reasons It’s A Total Return to Form

2. Stealth That Actually Works

7 One of the most basic elements of the franchise, yet for many including myself it always felt more fun and natural to wage in blades-first, taking care of entire platoons of goons in a tornado of motion-captured death and gory sound effects. In AC III that idea was taken to the extreme, with dual-counters allowing you to take two enemies in one go, alongside simplified combat mechanics that essentially encouraged full-on engagement rather than super-sleuthing your way around. Another change for IV then, as the designers have finally made the levels with enough hiding spots that allow you to gain a vantage point and plan a route through a swathe of troops. They€™ve added corner-kills so you can ambush any strays, and Eagle Vision now auto-tags enemies so you can track them from a distance and ensure you€™re not about to be spotted just before striking. It all feels like a marked step-up from what€™s gone before, and if you€™re quick on the counter-button you can still play all swords-blazing, but being that this is still an Assassin's Creed title at heart, it€™s great fun carefully darting between treetops and foliage to empty an area of enemy soldiers without them being any the wiser.
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