Assassin's Creed 4: 10 Enticing Reasons It’s A Total Return to Form

10. Solid Programming

This may seem like a strange thing to champion a game on in 2013, but when the previous installment was plagued by bad textures, object pop-in, and just overall lack of polish, it serves to point out how such a thing can severely hamper an otherwise impressive game. For all the historical accuracies AC III got right, there was a wealth of technical problems that became more and more evident as you played through, even leading to that game€™s final chase scene being regarded as one of the worst sections to play in recent memory. That was amidst a cavalcade of spotty A.I that occasionally went from being an all-seeing eye, detecting you from afar and through surfaces, to otherwise letting you literally walk up next to them before they€™d realise. Most issues are resolved in Part IV save for the occasional floating tortoise, even A.I routines whilst not anything close to being championed, are completely serviceable for the stealth sections and also provide entertaining blade-fodder during the games close-quarters showdowns.
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