Assassin’s Creed 4: 10 Major Problems It Has To Fix

1. Deal With The Glitches Before Release

Glitch When Assassin€™s Creed III first made its way into the hands of the fans the excitement was quickly dissipated by the high level of glitches present. I appreciate the animus was built into old rock this time, but you think Rebecca would have been able to get things running smoothly after ramshackle set ups twice before. There were the little things - your galloping horse passing a tree stump causes it to stop suddenly, boarding a ship loses all of your ammo and certain upgrades (such as dual wielding pistols) were removed whenever you fast travelled - that made a lengthy play session an experience punctuated with exasperated cries, but its the crashes and hidden mission icons that directly affected the overall enjoyment of the game. These were eventually fixed in a massive patch by Ubisoft, but it came two months after the game€™s initial release, meaning most fans had already beaten and shelved Connor's adventure. Releasing an inferior product to make the pre-Christmas bucks with the intention of fixing it later on isn't fair to loyal fans. As GTA showed, people are happy to put up with not getting a new game every year if the polish in what we do get is so high. Are there any more problems from the previous games you want Assassin's Creed IV to fix? Tell us down in the comments.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.