Assassin’s Creed 4: 10 Major Problems It Has To Fix

4. A Point To Training Recruits

Recruit Another great feature added into the Ezio games that turned up in AC3 in a butchered form was Assassin recruitment. I really appreciated being able to jump into the Guild menu from any point (pigeon posts are so 16th Century), but oddly enough found myself visiting it a lot less than when you had to go to specific points to access it. In Brotherhood training your own team of Assassins to call for in battle was an exciting new concept and Revelations increased the customizability and turned sending your recruits out on missions into a proper mini game where leaving the greater map for too long lost your foothold across the Mediterranean. What we got in III felt like it should have been a version from a previous game, not a follow on. There was no chance of you losing the states you liberated and with only three levels of mission difficulty there was little challenge. Recruiting Assassin€™s did bring with it new abilities, but once you had the citizens on side there was no motivation (i.e. no new missions once they became Master Assassins) to do anything but call them into battle. This is one of the few non fetch quest/fighting side missions that is actually interesting in Creed, so an unneutered version in Black Flag would be really welcomed.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.