Assassin's Creed 4: 10 Things We Want To See
With the dust now settling from the release of the third full Assassin's Creed title, already we're looking ahead to what's in store for the fate of the time spanning action adventure series. With three unique historical periods already fully explored (although I imagine we'll be seeing more from Revolutionary America before we're fully ready to move on), the question arises: what happens next As it stands, Desmond's life is in the balance although you'd be a fool to think he's possessed his last ancestor just yet. No, it's already been confirmed that Ubisoft are straight back to the drawing board; it looks like the franchise hasn't even begun to approach its final hour in the sun. So, just what do we want from a fourth title? Well, that's what I'm musing over today. So, without much more intro chatter from me, let's get to it shall we?