Assassin's Creed: 9 Biggest Franchise Mistakes Ubisoft Will Never Live Down

7. Wasting Great Settings In The Chronicles Spin-Offs

Assassin's Creed China

Remember how we really wanted the franchise to head to the east, and fans have literally asked about this every year since the first instalment?

Yeah, it's been done... but in one of the three spin-off Chronicles games, which despite being weird side-on 'platformers' inspired by 2012's Mark of the Ninja, completely waste three spectacular settings: India, Russia and China.

It's not that Ubi categorically couldn't revisit these locations in future titles, but the sheer annoyance of having them note that heading to the East (Feudal Japan in particular) would be "too familiar", only to ostensibly waste the look of an Assassin's Creed in an eastern setting on a spin-off, is a major missed opportunity.

It's precisely because the public were clamouring for a Tenchu-esque mishmash of neck-stabbing and temple climbing, that they should've delivered right after the Ezio trilogy. It remains a bizarre idea to still 'do an eastern setting' in anything other than the biggest way possible, and with AC Origins only re-righting the ship rather than returning us to that 2010 period where it was on top of the world, there's every chance we'll never see any eastern location done properly.

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