Assassin's Creed: 9 Biggest Franchise Mistakes Ubisoft Will Never Live Down

2. Never Capitalising On 'The Minerva Twist'

assassin's creed minerva

We all remember it, and we all remember going into AC Brotherhood wondering just how the hell Ubi were going to capitalise on one of the finest twists in gaming history.

Ending that game with a supposed virtual reality simulation of past events actively addressing the present day character by name? This was the first time we'd had a real interaction with Isu/The Ones Who Came Before, and being it came after AC II let us uncover cutscenes of actual Adam and Eve being the first ever assassins, it felt like the world of Assassin's Creed was going to be blown wide open.

Then - and again, this stuff was written during the period that ended with Patrice Desilets leaving - Desmond was mind-controlled to stab Lucy, the 'wider story' was revealed to revolve around an Earth-shattering meteor, and the assassin's true purpose was to set off a load of underground switches that would erect a 'world shield' that could deflect the meteo- look, it was dumb, okay?


All potential surrounding the Gods drip-feeding their agenda to us as an intelligent script that explored faith, atheism, purpose, belief and the notion of talking to a deity was cast aside, all in favour of a plotline that ended with another world-ending God being trapped inside an orb.

As you... do?

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