Assassin's Creed Odyssey: 18 Tips & Tricks The Game Doesn't Tell You

16. You Can Parry Arrows

assassins creed odyssey

The parry system in AC Odyssey is just about the most generous in gaming history. Where Dark Souls and even Fire Pro Wrestling require split-second timing, in Odyssey you can prod L1+R1/LB+RB for a few-second animation that gets the job done.

It's worth pointing out that you can hold these buttons to extend the parry stance too, meaning any enemy attack that hits will automatically be reversed. The only thing it doesn't work on is when enemies glow red, but better still, this stance works on arrows too.

The timing on arrows is a bit tighter than melee, but hit the shoulder buttons after you see an in-flight arrow on its way, and you'll negate all damage.

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