Assassin's Creed: Ranking All The Games From Worst To Best

6. Assassin's Creed: Revelations

"Alright guys, your new weapon for this year is... the hookblade! It's a blade, but you can use it to hook onto wires to traverse the environment." Seriously, back in 2011, you could hear the crickets resonate around the world at this announcement. For all the weight being put on Revelations as the finale of Altair and Ezio's timelines - and the fact it already had one of the coolest trailers of all time in the run-up to release - when it came to what Ubisoft were pulling out the bag for such an important instalment, the result was a wet fart so loud, it's still reverberating around the franchise's history to this day. Coming after Brotherhood helped Revelations immensely, as such a buildup of goodwill ensured even though there were gameplay shortcomings from a lack of innovation and the inclusion of pointless side-modes like tower defence (why!?), this final chapter closed out both characters' stories in a truly touching way. By contrasting Ezio's advancing age with Altair reconciling himself to isolation until the end, Ubi managed to tell a tale that subtly pulled at your heartstrings, reminding you just how far the series had come, before putting a bow on everything to that point and prompting you to look to the future for what was coming next.
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