Assassin's Creed: Ranking Every Game's Story From Worst To Best

5. Assassin's Creed: Syndicate

Assassin's Creed piece of eden

Assassin's Creed: Syndicate was the final game in the series before it went on hiatus. After the disappointment of Unity, many were unwilling to even give Syndicate a chance. Which is a shame, because it is definitely a step up.

Unlike AC3, most of Syndicate's cast is well-liked, especially the main protagonists Jacob and Evie Frye. While not on the level of Ezio or Edward Kenway, the duo were well-written and had a fascinating sibling dynamic. The main antagonist, Crawford Starrick, delightfully chewed the scenery in his every scene, making him one of the better entries in AC's rogues gallery.

The plot, on the other hand, was average.

Jacob murders his way across London and builds up his gang, while Evie searches for an artifact. While both of these storylines were done pretty well, they are as basic as a plot can get. Neither was particularly intriguing or new to the franchise, which was quickly running out of ideas.

While London was a gorgeous setting, the industrial revolution didn't quite have the same amount of interest as, say, the Italian Renaissance or the French Revolution.

Assassin's Creed has had its ups and downs in the past 10 years. Syndicate represents its exact middle of the road.


I'm that millennial that's been destroying every industry. I also once placed fourth in a spelling bee.