Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate - 5 Big Things You Need To Know

There are six different areas?

For better or worse, Ubisoft's household franchise is now firmly entrenched in a yearly cycle - and has been for almost half a decade now. Yet again another Assassin€™s Creed has been officially confirmed, with its hooded main character quipping about fighting the powers that be, you being treated to a bevy of slow-motion action shots and the occasional semblance of plot to loosely hold everything together. You know how it goes. Even though fans have been wise about its existence for about half a year (working title 'Victory' leaked alongside last year's Unity) it hasn't stopped a change of name to Syndicate - the rumours of twin-protagonists heading this one up generating palpable excitement about whether this year's instalment can get the franchise back on track. Within hours of the May 12th reveal, rumours, opinions and even more insider leaks were being bandied about online, discussing the potential details of the next iteration in every way possible. Ubisoft have an uphill battle ahead of them to prove 2015's iteration is worth your money, as the more they continue to plug this increasingly tired series - whilst taking hardly any notice of the complaints surrounding each release - it only serves to dissuade future purchasers from taking the plunge. However, with the first reveal being all that's released so far, here are some of the new features you might not already know about.


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