Assassin's Creed: Syndicate Gets First Gameplay Reveal & Release Date

And all the faces are intact. For now.

Although gamers have known about what was previously called Assassin's Creed: Victory since the leak at the tail-end of last year, it appears Ubisoft had a change of heart regarding that name after a disastrous reception to Unity, and have gone with 'Syndicate' for this year's instalment instead. Discounting some crazy in-Animus deviations to various places around the globe, the location of Victorian London has stayed the same, and Syndicate is (contrary to what rumours had alluded to) not going to include a female protagonist; instead telling the tale of two siblings in Jacob and Evie Frye, the latter essentially acting as the brains of the operation while you about turning thugs' faces to paste. Some leaked info on Kotaku did pertained to Evie being playable for around 25% of the campaign, but so far that's yet to be seen in any official capacity with this initial footage - perhaps something for E3, as last year we didn't know about Unity's Elise until further down the line. Assassin's Creed: Syndicate will release October 23rd for PS4, Xbox One and PC. What do you think of the reveal? More of the same or has it won you over again? Let us know in the comments!

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