Assassin's Creed: Unity - 10 Major Recurring Issues It Must Fix

9. Accurate Collision Detection

Speaking of reasons why you'll fail any number of escort and tail missions, almost every single player of any AC game can attest to watching their protagonist deftly himself off any number off rooftops, piers or ledges in any direction other than the one you want. It's all down to Ubisoft's mapping of making any sort of forward motion dependant on just holding both the forward direction and a sprint button - which might be good on paper in a Peter Molyneaux over-simplified sort of way, but in practice it's led to characters having suicidal tendencies when they should really be trying to stop any number of murderers or important figures. With any luck the new engine Ubisoft have built for Unity has a greater distinction of environmental objects which when twinned with a refined detection of exactly where you're pointing the stick, could ensure the chase missions they're adamant about including are close to tolerable. Although speaking of chase missions...
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