Assassin's Creed Unity: 10 Past Mistakes It Must Avoid

7. Rubbish Stealth

For a series basically built around being discrete, stalking your targets and striking them down in a covert fashion, these games really makes it difficult. Stealth has never been particularly done well in Assassin's Creed; the AI is stupid, easy to outwit, and honestly there's not really any reason to bother using it. With countless games out there doing stealth better such as Batman Arkham, Dishonored, Metal Gear and even Ubisoft's own Watch Dogs, isn't it about time to step up to the plate and make sure that possibly the most sneaky of people are actually quite stealthy? You can try sneaking about if you want, but the games make it hard. The vast majority of the time stealth goes completely out of the window within seconds as an enemy spots you and you inevitably end up in the same repetitive combat sequence. Some of the best examples of stealth in the series take place within interiors; perhaps Unity could have an increased focus on these sections with improved stealth mechanics, more ways to take down enemies from afar and inventive killings that don't involve leaping off a high precipice and stabbing them on the way down? With the power of next-gen now at their disposal, Ubisoft has ample opportunity to refine the series' stealth. How about playing with dynamic lighting and shadows to help us remain concealed, or scaling down the mindless killing in favour of a more back-to-basics approach?

Dan Curtis is approximately one-half videogame knowledge, and the other half inexplicable Geordie accent. He's also one quarter of the Factory Sealed Retro Gaming podcast.