Assassin's Creed: Unity - 10 Things We Can't Wait To Experience

2. Adaptive Gameplay

If you've ever played an AC mission where you're following someone (in other words, practically every mission not on a ship in Black Flag), you've probably been frustrated by repeatedly failing the mission because the person you're following randomly turned around and spotted you hiding behind a naff piece of cover. Perhaps you alternatively accidentally leaped off the roof into their path, resulting in yet another desynchronisation. It's happened to us all, and it really sucks. Thankfully this is being fixed in Assassin's Creed Unity. Gone are the days when you'd fail a mission because you're a pathetic eavesdropper/can't navigate around NPCs blocking you; if someone you're following in Unity spots you, they'll instead run off, changing up the mission on the fly. This is the only example Ubisoft has given of this adaptive gameplay, but there's every chance that it'll adapt in more ways as you go along to make missions more fun and prevent repeated pointless failures. A reduced focus on eavesdropping is fine by us; the concept is a good one and ties well into the context of the Assassins, but the implementation has always been shoddy and ended up being a frustration rather than any fun. Pelting through the streets of Paris on the tail of someone who has spotted you and using your new parkour moves to move fluidly without stopping? That sounds so much better already.

Dan Curtis is approximately one-half videogame knowledge, and the other half inexplicable Geordie accent. He's also one quarter of the Factory Sealed Retro Gaming podcast.