7. You Can Head Indoors
Ubisoft has managed to build itself an immensely exciting series of games around the freedom players have to storm around their locales and approach their targets however they see fit. In the early instalments, this freedom was ultimately shallow and players were really only able to scratch the surface of whatever city they found themselves in. While a few choice buildings and fortresses opened their doors and allowed players inside, much of the experience was confined to the streets. Since the third numbered release however, Ubisoft have been trying to rectify a problem that isn't exclusively theirs. Many sandbox adventures struggle to strike the right balance of just how many of its landmarks are open to players. Give access to too many and players face a world like that of a Pokémon game where seemingly no-one locks the door to their homes, but close too many up and you have the problem of losing the reality of a vibrant city a la San Andreas. With AC: Unity, Ubisoft have finally struck a decent balance of what percentage of buildings players can incorporate into their work. It helps that there is a more organic way of doing this in a game where most of the action takes place above the streets and around window levels, but players will no doubt be feeling the benefits of being able to slip seamlessly through a building to escape attackers or reach a destination quicker.
Gareth Cartwright
Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times.
Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.
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