Assassin's Creed: Victory - 10 Things We Can't Wait To See

Ubisoft's biggest franchise is also their biggest gamble in 2015.

Okay, enough of the pessimism usually brought about by a mention of Assassin's Creed in 2015 - how about rather than dog-pile on the faceless husks that sprouted forth at last year's Unity launch, we actually go with the idea that Ubisoft can turn this one around and deliver a brilliant experience one more time? It's not without precedent, as following the lacklustre AC III similar talks were being had as right now, only for Black Flag to land and dominate both the charts and everyone's Game of the Year lists all over again. The Assassin's Creed formula shouldn't be one to mess up all things considered, and although Ubi have put their focus into some strange additions like tower-defence mini-games in Revelations or, well, the entire pirates n' plunder aspect of Black Flag, Unity did show some promise. For many fans it's either AC 1, 2 or Brotherhood that's the go-to favourite, specifically down to those titles showcasing the best parts of being a super-skilled hooded assassin in any given time period - not to mention the present day element of the story hadn't gone off the deep-end quite so much back then. With Victory being this year's take and it sure to be at E3 come June, all eyes are on Ubisoft to re-right the ship and deliver an entry in the series that proves why Assassin's Creed deserves its household name. Can they do it? Do the public en masse want another entry in the series at all? That's another story, but right now all we've got is a lot of expectation and a lot of hope they can actually pull it off.

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