At Least One Sony Executive Against Blocking Used Games

One brave Sony executive comes out against banning used games.

Developers have been coming out of the woodwork to tell us all how much they would love for used games to be banned in the next generation of gaming. However, at least on Sony executive believes this to be the wrong way to go. According to Wedbush analyst Michael Pachter, who talked to Sony Computer Entertainment America president Jack Tretton, when asked for his opinion on banning used games Tretton came out against this notion. This is what Tretton had to say:
"For the record, I'm totally opposed to blocking used games. I think it's great for consumers that they can buy those€ I think it would be anti-consumer of us to do that."
Although Pachter did note that Tretton stated he was only speaking for himself and that Sony executives in Japan may have different ideas. This does go against every thing we have heard about the next generation of consoles banning used games. I would think that Tretton would have some input on the issue, but at this point who knows. I think what a lot of game developers are missing when they call out for banning used games, is what many people have said before me used games help drive new game sales. The truth is many people sell games back to Game and Gamestop to help[ pay for a new game purchase. Banning used games will downsize the industry as a whole, you will see less and less people next generation buying new games because they can't afford them if they are not able to trade in used games for financial help. Some of this could be solved by offing digital games at a lesser price instead of the full $59.99 (US) many of them are now. If Sony and Microsoft charged $49.99 (US) for digitally downloadable games, while at the same time still offering boxed games it would solve many of the used games issues.

I have been playing video games all my life but not only that I enjoy discussing them just as much as I love playing them. Therefore after going through college to get a criminal justice degree I became a freelance video game writer.