Avengers Beta Review: 4 Ups & 6 Downs

1. The Script & Lack Of Identity

Marvels Avengers Trailer Still
Square Enix

When you have one of the finest voice acting casts in gaming history - literally a "video game Avengers" of audible talent - reducing them down to incredibly bland one-liners is just tragic.

We're talking Nolan North as Tony Stark, Troy Baker as Bruce Banner, Laura Bailey as Black Widow, Travis Willingham as Thor. They're joined by Jeff Schine and Sandra Saad as Captain America and Kamala Kahn respectively, but that top four all in one place? It's an all-timer.

You'd be expecting the in-person group chemistry to be off the charts. For any downtime to be filled with a mix of improvisation and deft script work written with specific actors and their talents in mind.

Instead, from what's here, there's "That.was.AWESOME!", "I/We got this!" and "I've got a plan... it's called kicking your ass!" One of Nolan's first lines as Stark is just "Okay... whatever!", which is pretty fitting.

Even in elevators or periods of loading where the gang are standing around, there's nothing. No sense of camaraderie that makes on-screen superhero team-ups so much fun.

Focused story cutscenes thankfully feel more human, but as a major selling point and reason for this to stand out as an easy positive, the cast feels minimised and overlooked.


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