Avengers LEAK: Every Playable Character That Will Be Included

7. Thor

You can't have an Avengers party without inviting the God of Thunder, now can you?

One of the initially revealed characters for the game, Thor will enter battle wielding Mjolnir, his signature hammer. Like his MCU counterpart, he's a muscle-bound, long-haired, very kingly-voiced character. He appears to be very witty and confident when fighting in Avengers, and his skillset looks like it'll be loads of fun too.

When fighting, Thor can use his hammer in a similar fashion to Captain America's shield (with the boomerang effect), summon lightning to shock enemies, engage enemies in hand-to-hand combat (well, technically hammer-to-hand combat) and he also has the power of flight too. He also has access to an ultimate move, where he'll leap into the sky and summon a massive lightning storm over a wide area.

As with all characters, Thor is sporting a wide array of customisation options. You can have his classic caped outfit for example, or have him wander around in a tight-fitting tshirt if you prefer. Alternatively, why not dress him up with a ridiculous helm or have angel-like shoulder pads?


Dan Curtis is approximately one-half videogame knowledge, and the other half inexplicable Geordie accent. He's also one quarter of the Factory Sealed Retro Gaming podcast.