Avengers LEAK: Every Playable Character That Will Be Included

3. Black Widow

Black Widow, like Thor, Iron-Man and Hulk, was one of the first characters revealed to be playable in Marvel's Avengers. She's also playable right now in the beta, so if you want to jump right in and try her out right now, get pre-ordering the game.

In game, she's fast and agile as you'd expect, with a handy grappling hook for reeling herself in close to enemies at speed. She's also got plenty of fluid hand-to-hand combat moves both on the ground and in-the air, using stun batons to smack down her foes. Using her special heroic moves, she can turn invisible (Veil of Shadows), shock people with wrist cannons (Widow's Bite) or use Power Surge to summon a staff of energy for unique, fast moves.

Black Widow looks like she can be customised loads too. As well as a selection of unique combat outfits, the game gives you the ability to choose Widow's hair colour too. Options shown off so far include white, red and black.


Dan Curtis is approximately one-half videogame knowledge, and the other half inexplicable Geordie accent. He's also one quarter of the Factory Sealed Retro Gaming podcast.